Monday, August 31, 2009

Walking On the Edge

Photo: Runaway by piskunony

I want to cry.

But I don't want to reveal that I am weak.

I want to cry.

But all of my secrets might seeeep....


And all of those bitches...

... of whooom...

I want to keep out.

.... Will get inside of my head

And at this point...

They'll make me wish for death.

I am a zombie.

The blood inside has gone straight black.

I am a zombie.

With no home to go running back...

.... to.

I walk these streets,

Aimlessly, blind, and unable to see,

That these streets,

May become the death of me.

But as I walk, I seem to realise.

That my thoughts wander and I feel peace.

Those close to me may talk and criticize

And they will never ever understand this release.

To go 'home' is almost certain death

To go 'back' is the same fate

Staying still, may even end my breath

Because I walk alone, so late.

But the truth is...

I am becoming addicted

... or conflicted...

with not being able to stop.

I want to keep walking

and walking

until my heart eventually stops.

The 'so-called' "helpful" shelters

Photo: Runaway By Rockyhorror

So, in Seattle. I had only one family member in Washington state, and no car to get to her. I had no friends, Carradin saw to that. And so my only option was to go to an emergancy shelter, designed to help women who were in a domestic violence situation.

Leaving Carradin, I was totally broken up. Confused, baffled, and unsure. Leaving everything that I knew, once again. So this was a scary move on my part. I didn't know where I was going, but I have seen other shelters, and how scary they are. In other shelters I would see, a lot of street women, who have more problems than just being broke and homeless. People you would be afraid to sleep in the same building with, let alone on an open floor with your back to them. But, luckily, the confidential place that I was taken to wasn't like that.
They prescanned tenants. So, the tenants seemly were not scary. You had a room, that you did have to share with up to 4 other random people. And the assistance of trained individuals with helping you get on your feet.
I will be honest... I wasn't sure if my situation was horrible enough for me to leave. Now isn't that baazar. Carradin had me by the neck, using my neck as a handle grip, as he shoved me around the room, into furniture, onto the floor, on top of the cat post (luckily it was a cardboard cat post, and not a traditional one, or else my back would be broken).

But because I had no bruises, I felt that I didn't belong there.

The women that I saw at this shelter, were broken and bruised. Many had casts, or horrific scars and stitches on their faces and bodies. 99% of them came, huddled with their children. So I questioned, whom am I to be there? A woman with out scars, bruises, broken bones, or children.

I asked this, when I spoke to my case worker. And she merely said (or they, I had a few... who were AWESOME people), that true I came out practically unscathed. But that I shouldn't look at it like I didn't belong there, but that I was 'lucky'.

So, for the next 56 days of my stay there. I began to be taught about a side of the world I only dreamed unbelievable. (And considering that I am a victium of rape and abduction, from my teenage years. For me to still have much more to be awakened to has to say a lot)

I learned a lot, about what happens mentally to victiums of domestic abuse. Most, not all, once they leave their previous abusive environment, end up mimicking their former abuser, in their behaviour. Also, the connection to basic mental functions is dimmed (temporarily).

For example: A woman that would usually be very clean, would become VERY unhygenic. Not bathing, cleaning her surroundings, or her children, or anything. Leaving the stove on, or not responding to hearing their child crying in a normal way. I saw kids, get locked into rooms, screaming to get out. I saw women, look so filthly that a bum on the street, looked cleaner.

Behaviours like bullying other individuals. Telling them what to do, what to eat, what to dress. Harrassing the weaker tenants, etc. Basically, very primitive behaviour.

I, being very much not like many of the women there, was usually the every day target. Groups would gang up, and start false lies about me, to get me in trouble. Or go through my stuff. Or try to get me kicked out, etc etc.

So for me. Most of my stay there, because of all of that, would consist of me going out for very long walks, all the way up to curfew, even after a long day at work. Trying to keep my mind at ease.
The next faze of my survivor mode.

The Runaway

Photo: Stranded by Redeemer-of-light

I don't know how to start this blog... I never knew that I would become the person to share my life online. But I guess... at this point, I figure that I have lost enough...

... So loosing a bit more, really wouldn't matter that much to me.

I guess to open this blog, I should say that 2 years ago, I never thought that I would be here. I always figured that I would have a different story.

You know, one of those stories that would end with me being content. At this point, I am not sure. True, I am not at the end (though who could ever say what tomorrow holds for me). But from what I can see, I just feel like I am stuck.

2 years ago, I was in a somewhat stable/comfortable life, living with Carradin (my ex-husband). True, our marriage wasn't the best, true he had a short temper, true everything felt so frustrating. But I still could never imagine that, in less than a year, the only man who I believed was kind to me, would turn into a monster.

August 14th 2008, I wanted to go to a Reggae Concert. To me, being around Jamaican culture is very important to me. Especially considering that Jamaica is where my family comes from. And also considering that I lived in Seattle, a cute small/big town deprived of west indian culture.

I moved to Seattle, 6 years ago, from London (a city thriving with West Indian culture). So to suddenly be deprived of it, was kind of heart breaking. So I begged my husband to join me to go to the concert.

I bought the tickets. And told him I would go alone. But he didn't want me to go alone. So he came with me, even though he complained alot about 'how he had to go to work the following day'. But through out the whole day, he was being a total ass. Telling me to drape myself in layers of clothing that not even my grandma would wear. Mysteriously, the clothes I decided set out earlier, were covered in stains, when I went to put them on. Then the whole act of falling alseep in the club. And being a jurk for the whole day, finding ways to start arguments.

So, we ended up leaving early. And I didn't even get to see the person I paid to see. So... when we got home, I was upset. And wanted to go for a walk (my way of calming down), to calm down.

He refused to let me go out. Pushing me away from the door each time I went towards the door. Eventually, after ripping my bag off my shoulder, throwing my shoes across the room, he grabbed me on the throat, and shoved me around the apartment.

After that incident... I left. And since leaving him, I have been through so much, that I am surprised that I can still mentally function.

The question is: Is runaway the better solution?